Updated monthly, you will find here my blog on various health topics. The blog is supplemented by references to current links and events.
LearnHealth February 2025
The immune system of elderly people reacts different to the immune system of young people. Learn about the differences and what you can do in order to protect yourself from infections and booster your resilience in LearnHealth February 2025.
LearnHealth January 2025
The New Year may also be associated with a resolution to finally tackle a health problem that has been significantly limiting your quality of life for some time. Using the example of knee pain, I will show you in January's LearnHealth that it doesn't necessarily have to have physical causes.
The "Defender" is a magazine of Children's Health Defense in USA. They recently published a report about the actions of the German Health Institutions during Covid. Link see below.
A 2012 film about the artificial electromagnetic radiation shows how this invisible factor in our surrounding is damaging the health of humans and animals, see link below.
Don't panic because of Bird's Flu! More about it see link below.
An important message from Arthur Firstenberg for the New Year: Choose Life! See link below.
LearnHealth December 2024
In LearnHealth December I make a wish that hopefully will be granted!
Do you know the World Council For Health? I am proud to be a part of this worldwide community. Watch our message for the holiday season in the link below: Happy Holiday!
Heard about the RKI files in Germany? The Robert Koch Institut, is part of GOARN (Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network) of the WHO. It did not protect German citizens from the ineffective and dangerous C-therapy as it should have done according to the scientific evidence, but followed instructions from the German government. This has all been revealed now by the documents of the RKI. Learn more about it in a live stream of the World Council For Health, see link below.
LearnHealth November 2024
Astrologically, November is attributed to the sign of Scorpio, which is ruled by Pluto, the ruler of the underworld. This is also associated with the depths of your soul. Before new growth can begin, old things and their “message” must first be looked at - like the wonderful leaves in autumn - and can then be released and redeemed. In this context, November's HealthLearning is about traumas from childhood.
LearnHealth October 2024
People make mistakes. This is the best way to learn and develop personally. Unfortunately, mistakes sometimes harm other people, which gives your own learning success a bitter aftertaste. But it doesn't have to stay that way. HealthLearning October is all about “Asking for forgiveness in a way that you can be forgiven”, it is a guide to healing both souls.
The little blue bell-shaped flower hyacinth is a traditional symbol pf sorrow, regret, a request for forgiveness, honesty, trust, and truth. By giving a bouquet of these blue blooms, you can seek forgiveness for telling an untruth and make a promise that it won’t happen again.
LearnHealth September 2024
If you watch
mainstream media, it is possible that you only perceive various
fear-inducing threats or even get insomnia and restlessness due
to wars, weather disasters, new pandemics or the internal
political situation in our country. You can't deny the
problems, but it doesn't make sense to constantly brood over
them and let them dominate your life. There are solutions, f.e.
here https://thegreatfreeset.org/
Find out more below in LearnHealth September.
LearnHealth August 2024
In order to calm your mind, it is not necessary to travel to foreign countries. Even a short trip into nature in your surroundings can do the job. See more in LearnHealth Blog in the link below.
Germany’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic was based only on political objectives! Read more about it in the link below.
LearnHealth July 2024
Variety is
and creates life! Like the different plants on a flower meadow
live and work together in harmony, the different inhabitants of
your microbiom do the same for your wellbeing. Read more about
it in LearnHealth July.
Fear mongering about the bird flu and your health? Don't let yourself be fooled! More in the link below.
LearnHealth June 2024
The more you know about the possible benefits and risks of therapeutic measures, the more confident you will be in your decision. HealthLearning June is about a very special “preventive measure”. See more in the link below.
Shabnam Palesa Mohamed is a lawyer from Southafrica. She is a dear collegue in the World Council For Health (WCH), www.worldcouncilforhealth.org. She explains in clear words what you have to know about the WHO "resolutions" and why peace requires the united effort of all of us. See more in the links below.
LearnHealth May 2024
Due to a coming event, I am revisiting the topic of "detoxification" - touched already in LearnHealth March. Even if we try to avoid toxins, this is not always possible due to our current environmental conditions. This is why the World Council For Health (WCH) has chosen this topic as the focus of this year's event. A booklet by experts on the topic will also be available there, which I helped to design as part of my work for the German "branch" of the WCH. More about the event at https://betterwayevents.org/. More about the Country Council Germany at www.wch-germany.de
On Monday 13th of May therapists from Malta, UK, Florida, Singapor, Indonesia, Japan, St. Lucia, Australia and Germany presented and discussed the topic in an expert panel evening of the World Council For Health. I was invited as a representative of the World Council For Health Germany. See link below.
LearnHealth April 2024
Do glasses always help when your vision is impaired? Not always! Learn more about your soul, causing eye problems in LearnHealth April 2024. See link below!
New Film "Who is who"?
The World Council For Health Southafrica published a new film about an institution which wants to get world wide control over people's health and much more. Can it be trusted? See more in the link below?
Meticulously precise checked
The declaration of a national state of emergency with all its consequences - curfews, restaurant, theatre, sports club and other closures, popularly known as “Covid-measures”- were politically motivated, now visible through the published RKI-files. Read a careful analysis by Prof. Dr.Dr. Harald Walach in the link below and forward it to everyone who has been damaged.
LearnHealth March 2024
Although my mini-detox-cure focuses mainly on "leaving out", spring herbs such as dandelion, which is just sprouting, can provide powerful support. More in LearnHealth March, see download link below.
With "Holy Thursday" we are starting in the festive days of Easter. I wish you Happy Easter with many joyful messages from all over the world in a video from Jonna Jinton and a 9-herbs-soup-recipe for "Holy Thursday".
Do you know this situation? You are inspired by wise books or people, you have good plans, but between your ideas and your lived reality is a gap. In order to make your dreams come true there is a necessity for change. Change contradicts leaving your comfort zone and your desire for stability in a world you know. You calm yourself …”It’s not the right time…I have obligations….there are expectations”. But you cannot silence the urgent voice that you have to change something. That you have to stop playing roles in order to please people or to fit into the rules of our society.
“You are an extraordinary manifestation of an energy field that we might call a soul that's animating human cells to behave in a certain way to take on a certain form that would follow a certain function of vibration — to be self.” (Zach Bush)
Join Zach and other world-class spiritual teachers who've developed life-changing practices to heal and evolve in a live global streaming event from March 16-26 2024. Get your FREE access in the link below.
LearnHealth February 2024
In nature, ice is a wonderful phenomenon at the moment. But in human communication, warmth is needed, both in private life and in business. Empathy only exists between real people, not between people, abstract "teams" or machines. What does this have to do with your health? More in LearnHealth February 2024.
over for the mRNA-based "vaccine"-technology!
Molecular biologist Prof Dr Klaus Steger and Prof Dr Alexandra
Henrion Caude, a geneticist specialising in the field of RNA
and epigenetics, casually disprove the false claims made by
manufacturers and politicians, echoed willingly and
unreflectedly by mainstream media. Based on sound scientific
research the two scientists also demonstrate how dangerous the
mRNA-based ’vaccine’ technology actually is. Find a
2-page-document to download and share in the link
LearnHealth January 2024
The use of high-tech in diagnosis and therapy certainly opens up some opportunities in terms of accuracy and speed. But there are also risks in terms of safety and patient benefit. You can find out more about this in this month's LearnHealth Blog in the link below.
Follow the status quo as to the plans of the WHO, see link below.
I wish you a Happy, Successful and Healthy New Year! The "sparks" shall always fly to you, whenever you need them. Cordially, Cornelia
LearnHealth December 2023
We are need light in this dark time. And important things have to be brought into the light. Read more in LearnHealth December. Enjoy light in your home with beautiful light objects made by Thomas Bachmaier and relax with a beautiful film, see links below..
Truth into the light by scienist
Steve Kirsch: See the latest data concernig the "safety and
efficiancy" of the C-jabs in his presentation at the MIT below.
The presentation starts at minute 14:00.
Looking for Christmas presents? I like the hoodie "We are awake" by Bob Moran with the words "The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself."
LearnHealth November 2023
The year is almost over: the
final sprint to the goals you have set for yourself in 2023 has
started. HealthLearning in November does not highlight the
fulfillment of material desires or the gain of social
recognition. Be curious! See link below.
Join and sign!
On december 1st 2023 there is another deadline concerning the
planned WHO-treaty. In this "Call for action" it is about
keeping control by yourself or your representatives in the
country you are living in. See below the link to the
"Urgent Call to
Action: Block the Pandemic Treaty NOW", which is in
many different languages, among them Polish, Portugese and
"Covid vaccinations approved ILLEGALLY." European Medicines Agency revelations. See links below to a video and a letter from EMA.
The ICS3 at the European
Parliament in Romania took place from 18-20th November
2023 and was seen by over 4 billion people from around the
Reaction comes from knowledge.
Knowledge comes from truthful and factual information. This is
what the International Covid/Crisis Summit is all about. The
next edition will go beyond the scope of Covid and also cover
other crises the world is facing today. See link below.
A new initiative to protect our children from the dangers of the digital world: Sign and join!
LearnHealth October 2023
Plant power against infections: The factors of cold air outside, dry heating air inside and contact with people who carry viruses and bacteria with them increase the risk of becoming ill yourself in the coming months. You can counteract this immediately by taking suitable preventive measures, f.e. drinking herbal teas. More hints see below.
World Council
for Health hosted an Urgent Expert
Hearing on Reports of DNA Contamination in mRNA
Vaccines on October 9th. See link below to the
On September 13th there was a hearing in the European Parliament concerning the Covid-Jabs. One of the experts invited was the cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough. In the video below he exxplains clearly why these jabs have to be taken from the market immediately.
Worth reading: Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Walach explains his reasons for leaving Germany.
LearnHealth September 2023
Children need - in order to develop properly and to learn - the experience in the real world. They have to "get in touch with things" with all their senses. As a health promoter in elementary schools since 2006 I definitely know that. After receiving a lot of feedback on the topic of "unregulated digitalization" that I talked about in my August blog (see also the link below to the new policy brief from the World Council for Health), I would like to explore it further in LearnHealth September, concerning school-aged children.
New interview from TheHighwire with Meryl Nass, expert for bio warefare expert about the who pandemic treaty. Link see below.
The World Council for Health has published a new policy brief urging the use of technology with discernment and to subject digital innovations introduced under the umbrella of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to greater scrutiny. An expert group in political science and the natural sciences has prepared an in-depth policy brief on the effects of unregulated digitalization on health and democracy. See link below.
LearnHealth August 2023
More and more people think AND feel they are addicted to using digital media. Many people don't realize that their use can affect your well-being not only physically, but also psychologically and socially. What's the best prescription against this? Meet in person, talk to eachother and have fun together in the real world!. More below in my LearnHealth August blog.
LearnHealth July 2023
Take it with you instead of
taking it! In the July blog I introduce you to a first-aid kit
that contains books instead of medicines. The content of these
books gives you valuable tips for chemical-free and readily
available remedies and measures for the typical aches and pains
while traveling.See more in the document below. A dear friend
just sent me the link to a book I mentioned in my blog as "not
available any more". Find the link below!
World Ivermectin Day July 29th: Ivermectin is an amazing multi-tasker, helping to prevent and reduce the severity of Covid-19 infection in several different ways..This medicine saved many lives of people who were suffering from Covid-19. In cooperation with the World Council for Health (I am proud to be a part of it) there will be a special event for Ivermectin. Learn more about it in the links below.
Watch for free until August 1st the huge documentary "The end of Covid", see link below. To most of the interviews you find in addition a lot of download material backing what is discussed by the experts.
Electrosmog Policy Brief: Last fall, the World Council for Health asked Arthur Firstenberg and his co-workers to draft a Policy Brief on Electrosmog, for guidance to governments, legislators, environmental organizations, schools, and religious, political and community leaders. See the link for download below.
LearnHealth June 2023
Does it make sense to show a fassade to others? It definitely does not in a consultancy talk at a therapist. But it is also blocking healthy and happy personal relationships. Read more about in the link below.
Del Bigtree's latest film Plandemic 3: Watch for free in the link below.
LearnHealth May 2023
The media are full of information about health, and the Internet has opened up a veritable treasure trove of knowledge about it. But the abundance of information makes it difficult to find the perfect path resolving your personal health problem. In LearnHealth May "Path to health" you can find out more, how to proceed.
Important! Would you like to know what WHO is planning for all of us and what you can do against it? See more in the links below.
LearnHealth April 2023
The annual World Water Day took place on March 22nd. However, we should direct our consciousness to the water every day, because it is "the" source of life for the whole earth. In LearnHealthBlog April you will learn a lot about the topic, which you may not have known so far.
The various functions of the nanolipids in the C - shots: More about see link below.
"...your body is at war with itself." Dr. Ryan Cole explains, why this happens after the C-gene-therapy.
Watch out for these plans! More about in the following links.
Distracted by the war in the Ukraine, many are not aware of an initiative to "regulate" health issues worldwide. Read more about it.
The cosmos and our organism are connected. In nature there is always a close relationship between function and beauty. Learn more about it in the video.
LearnHealth March 2023
Do you often feel powerless and exhausted? There are various reasons for this. But there are ways to find your strength again.
Which function had the C-plandemic within a much bigger picture? Learn here more about it.
Take control over your data! Why this is very important NOW, you find explained here by Sucharit Bhakdi.
The business model of "Big Pharma": presented here by a leading MIT scientist, Stephanie Seneff.
LearnHealth February 2023
The big MWGFD- online symposium on „Gene-based „vaccines“ /COVID vaccination – the pharmaceutical crime of the century?“ took place yesterday. Worth watching!
LearnHealth January 2023
In my monthly blog I would like to start with an encouraging message for you: What you need in order to become and stay healthy is less a matter of the outside, but lies in/with yourself.
Worth watching: A documentary about Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRnA technology.
I wish you a peaceful, happy, successful and healthy New Year, which shall be accompanied by lots of sunshine, numerous heavenly moments and always assistance from above. From the bottom of my heart!
LearnHealth December 2022
As every year in December you find in my blog some personal thoughts for the end of the year. This year on the topic of gifts.
LearnHealth November 2022
Everyone needs it. Very few people have enough of it - magnesium. Our current time puts many people in a chronic permanent stress situation. Due to this situation, our body constantly consumes a lot of this valuable mineral because it has to neutralize the acids created by stress. If you provide for sufficient replenishment, this is the best prevention against various diseases, the cause of which is often sought elsewhere.
LearnHealth October 2022
Are divorced partners bad parents? If partnership conflicts cannot be resolved in the long term, physical complaints can arise not only in fathers or mothers, but the children also suffer. The "storybook family" that continues to be maintained for various reasons can actually make people sick.
LearnHealth September 2022
There is nothing that can replace a deep relationship based on true intimacy between a man and a woman. If it is disturbed or not (any longer) present in a couple, physical problems arise as a result.Those affected usually hope for solving these difficulties by visiting a gynecologist or urologist, because they attribute these problems to age or hormones. There is more on the conditions that promote true intimacy. Ba the way about the current "gender mania": There is only one male and one female version in mammals, of which we humans are one. Every human being has female and male parts. How she or he lives these parts of her or his personality up, when, and in which dimension, belongs completely to the sphere of privacy.
LearnHealth August 2022
It's summer in Germany and many people travel to countries where it's even hotter than here. A challenge for the blood circulation. Read more on what you can do to support it in the best possible way.
LearnHealth July 2022
For many, typing and wiping now take up more time and energy than personal interaction and undisturbed breaks. It's not easy to get out of this situation. But it is worth it. Read more about the reasons and possibilities.
LearnHealth June 2022
Your health is connected to your life goals. Why? Read more about it.
LearnHealth May 2022
The innate immune system is a powerful force, for example, to fight off disease-causing viruses or even to eliminate cancer cells. What can impair it? Read more about it.
LearnHealth April 2022
If you want to lose weight successfully, look at the additives contained in products. Read more on why.
LearnHealth March 2022
In the February blog, I described how chemical or physical toxins enter our bodies from outside and what measures need to be taken before a physical detoxification cure to make it successful. The LearnHealth blog this month is about mental/spiritual toxins that we produce ourselves or have others produce in us, but which also affect the body.
LearnHealth February 2022
Have you ever broken off a detox because you felt miserable? Read more about why a detox is definitely worthwhile, why it can be successful without feeling sick and what you need to consider for good preparation.
LearnHealth January 2022
Why are selfdetermination and selfconfidence so important at the moment? Read more about it!
LearnHealth December 2021
What role play your heart and feelings in your life in challenging times? Read more!
Learnhealth November 2021
What is causing pain without any organic reason? Learn more about it!
Learnhealth October 2021
Learn more about the value of friendships in challenging times.
Learnhealth September 2021
What is the health significance of wearing face masks for the mind and soul? What is the effect of covering half our face ourselves, or seeing people who do so? Read more about it.
LearnHealth August 2021
Did you know that 60-90% of all visits to the doctor are due to unregulated stress? Stress" manifests itself in various symptoms, e.g. insomnia, anxiety, pain, depression, high blood pressure and infertility. Learn about a simply method to relax.
LearnHealth July 2021
Unexplained pain, depression, burnout and exhaustion can also result from a toxic partnership. Find out more on how to recognise if and why you are in such a partnership and how you can free yourself.
LearnHealth June 2021
Do you sometimes suffer from the feeling of having missed something or not being able to have your say and thus being excluded from "communities" of all kinds because you have overlooked one or the other "important" communication? Learn about "information retention" and how you can get to the really "important" information inside of you.
LearnHealth May 2021
A survey in which 2000 persons took part showed that about half of them cannot work under optimal conditions. Two thirds complain about health problems. Are you in the same situation? Read about what you can do.
LearnHealth April 2021
"I wish I had done it differently!" Have you also sometimes found, in hindsight, that a decision led to negative consequences instead of positive ones? People make mistakes, but we need mistakes from time to time in order to learn. Even if you run a company or are a manager, you are still a human being. If you can handle your own mistakes with confidence, you will also be able to create a healthy "culture of mistakes" in your environment.
LearnHealth March 2021
Patients sometimes ask me if one of my therapies, which they have read about in the newspaper or heard about from a friend, can also help in their particular case. If I would answer: "Of course the therapy helps, but we need at least ten treatment appointments" you should leave my practice as soon as possible. My answer to your question is, "It depends."
LearnHealth February 2021
Is illness a lack of energy? If it were, you could ask yourself the questions: Where does my energy come from? What robs me of energy and what gives me energy? Is your energy level - so that your body functions properly and you feel well - also mentally and emotionally influenceable? Read more about it!
LearnHealth January 2021
Did your eyes have to endure more than ever before, especially in the last year? Online classes and a limited social life outside have at least doubled the time I spent at the computer in 2020. If you're one of those who often uses a smartphone, your eyes are under additional strain. Find here some practical advice on what you can do to preserve your vision.